Monthly Archives: January 2024

What is the Statute of Limitations in Truck Accident Cases?
A truck accident will leave you with devastating injuries such as broken bones, traumatic head injuries, and more. If another person’s negligence caused the crash, you can file a claim against them for financial compensation. However, you only have a limited amount of time to file your claim before you are barred from receiving… Read More »

What are the Benefits of Trademark Registration?
As a business owner, your trademark is one of the most important pieces of property you own. Unfortunately, you may find at some time that someone infringes on your trademark and you have to consider taking legal action. You may still have legal options if someone infringes on your trademark and it is not… Read More »

What are the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice?
When people are sick or injured, they place their health and safety in the hands of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. In most cases, these individuals perform their job properly and contribute to the wellness of patients. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Healthcare professionals are human beings and as such, they are… Read More »

How Succession Planning Can Help Avoid Business Disputes
As you are running your business on a day-to-day basis, you may be able to take the necessary steps to ensure your company is not involved in any disputes. Unfortunately, there may come a day when you have to step down as the face of the business and let someone else take over. If… Read More »

Common Mistakes that Could Hurt Your Car Accident Claim
Car accidents have been on the rise in Tennessee over the past few years, making the chances of being involved in one even greater. Tennessee is a fault state when it comes to car accidents. As such, if you have been injured, you may be able to file a claim against the liable party…. Read More »